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标题: Tom Lehrer的冷面幽默小清新 [打印本页]

作者: 冰辰    时间: 2012-4-16 05:11     标题: Tom Lehrer的冷面幽默小清新

本帖最后由 冰辰 于 2012-4-16 07:32 编辑

起因是流水挖到的一首歌Poisoning Pigeons in the Park

Poisoning Pigeons In The Park

I'd like to take you now on wings of song, as it were, and try and help you forget perhaps for a while your drab, wretched lives. here's a song all about spring-time in general, and in particula
Out one of the many delightful pastimes the coming of spring affords us all.

Spring is here, a-suh-puh-ring is here.
Life is skittles and life is beer.
I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring.
I do, don't you? 'course you do.
But there's one thing that makes spring complete for me,
And makes ev'ry sunday a treat for me.

All the world seems in tune
On a spring afternoon,
When we're poisoning pigeons in the park.
Ev'ry sunday you'll see
My sweetheart and me,
As we poison the pigeons in the park.

When they see us coming, the birdies all try an' hide,
But they still go for peanuts when coated with cyanide.
The sun's shining bright,
Ev'rything seems all right,
When we're poisoning pigeons in the park.


We've gained notoriety
And caused much anxiety
In the audubon society
With our games.
They call it impiety,
And lack of propriety,
And quite a variety
Of unpleasant names.
But it's not against any religion
To want to dispose of a pigeon.

So if sunday you're free,
Why don't you come with me,
And we'll poison the pigeons in the park.
And maybe we'll do
In a squirrel or two,
While we're poisoning pigeons in the park.

We'll murder them all amid laughter and merriment.
Except for the few we take home to experiment.
My pulse will be quickenin'
With each drop of strychnine
We feed to a pigeon.
It just takes a smidgin!
To poison a pigeon in the park

很典型的英式没品冷幽默,老不正经又小清新的卖萌外加嘲弄世风的歌词太对我口味。因为实在太好玩,于是去搜了下表演者Tom Lehrer。结果就shock地给这位人生赢家的光辉履历给跪了。


按照维基里的资料,这位歌坛大大他的专业其实是数学。Tom Lehrer 1928年出生于纽约的一个犹太家庭里[又一个犹太人]七岁开始学钢琴,哈佛读本科时开始写作搞笑歌曲。二十岁在哈佛拿到数学硕士学位之后继续读博士,期间开始了自己的音乐生涯。1953年时Lehrer花十五美元找了个录音室录了自己的专辑,因为广播电台不肯播他的歌[据称是因为敏感话题],他就以三块钱一张的价格在学校里兜售LP,结果广受好评。一传十十传百,最后全国各地都有人写信来买碟。声名远播的结果还不止于此,英国的玛格丽特公主[现女王的妹妹]在名誉学位授予仪式上表示自己也是Tom Lehrer大大的粉丝,这一下就把他的唱片推广到了英国,除了唱片通贩之外,BBC也开始播出Lehrer的歌曲。

然后Lehrer跑去当了三年兵,之后回到哈佛继续读数学博士,最后学位也没拿,跑去了MIT教政治学。六十年代起他受邀开始为NBC的一档讽刺时政类的电视节目That Was the Year That Was 写作歌曲。这些歌曲的主题涉及广泛,包括教育、冷战、核扩散、种族关系等等,因为歌词过于尖锐,经常得经过修改后才能在电视上播出。这些歌后来收在That Was the Year That Was这张专辑里。包括讽刺六十年代美国数学教育改革的New Math[flash][/flash]

巡演了几年之后,Lehrer开始觉得玩腻了,于是七十年代时他就挥挥衣袖果断结束了表演生涯,做回了教授这份老行当。他接受了加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的聘请,一边开数学课程,一边教Music Theatre,闲暇之余也写写歌,过上了安稳的教学生活。十年之后,有导演将他从前写过的歌曲制作成了音乐剧,在英国和美国上演,成为当时的热门话题。Lehrer由此重新回到公众的视野里。1998年,此时已经七十岁高龄的他做了二十五年以来的首次公开演出,在女王面前演唱了Poisoning Pigeons In The Park。2001年他从教职上退休,不过还是时不时在校园里闲晃。现在还健在,算算年纪是刚过完84岁生日的白羊座一枚XD

有人赞誉Lehrer为二十世纪最佳的讽刺音乐家,Lehrer本人对自己的时政讽刺歌曲能有什么样的现实意义却表示怀疑。这种态度与奥威尔相当一致,都认为讽刺对于当权者来说,只相当于给大象挠痒痒。Lehrer本人的野心,也只到这样的地步: "If, after hearing my songs, just one human being is inspired to say something nasty to a friend, or perhaps to strike a loved one, it will all have been worth the while."

……也还是很坏心的幽默着啊……简直是NEW YORKER里走出来的人物XD

The Elements其实是把化学元素周期表给连起来唱了一遍,典型geek风。Lehrer的歌经常以简短的背景介绍开唱,间中和末尾插入口白制造出谐谑的效果。
作者: 印象    时间: 2012-4-16 05:28


歌曲刚开始的时候节奏出来以为是Personal Penguin那种小清新小可爱。结果听到裹着氰化物的花生米就喷了,后头一路笑岔气有木有!

作者: beerbear    时间: 2012-4-16 10:41

本帖最后由 beerbear 于 2012-4-16 11:47 编辑


这简直太神作太过瘾太令人着迷太合口味了,于是乎眼睁睁地看着美好的早晨就这样献给油管和虾米电台(哼,专辑播放竟然被屏蔽 )。
作者: 木笔    时间: 2012-4-16 11:02




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